Saturday, February 19, 2022

Google maps fix/workaround

Workaround to fix IE compatibility for built-in app map feature.

Open registry editor (regedit) and browse for the key: 

Under this key create new value:

Or simply download and run this patch which do the steps above.

Now you can run again program RNS510poi.exe with map feature!


Terry said...

Yes it worked.

Did via the editor... couldn't quite see what to download and run but used that line as a cross check.

Thanks. Thumbs up.

Frankze said...

Sorry but it doesn´t work.
I made a 32 bit Dword.

It shows RNS10poi.exe REG_DWORD 0x00002af8 (12001)

Is this ok?

Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

Hello! Could you share what format of coordinates RNS-510 used? For example: -3955307193501188679